

Franchise Groups


Centers Represented

WAXFAC Purpose

“Collaboration Becomes Our Competitive Advantage”

WaxFAC’s purpose is to promote and advocate for the interests of the franchisees of the European Wax Center System. Our goals are to preserve & enhance the value of EWC Franchises, improve & strengthen business operations, promote open communications between EWC and its franchisees, and to serve as an advisory partner to EWC.

Why Join WAXFAC?

Unified Voice

A single, unified voice to promote and advocate for the interests of EWC Franchisees.

Member Services

Access to member services such as Healthcare, 401K, Property & Casualty Insurance, Payroll, Electronic Paycard, etc.


Monthly working committees with EWC staff and quarterly meetings with EWC executive leadership.


  • Monthly newsletter regarding association, brand, and industry news and updates.
  • Quarterly all-member updates.

Events & Resources

  • Quarterly town halls/educational webinars.
  • Member website w/private communications forum for peer-to-peer networking and sharing best practices.

The Future

  • Government Relations: news & updates on legislative issues that impact franchisees.
  • Annual Summit focused on topics to remain successful in business.
  • Member Publications.


As I witnessed the franchisor making more and more unilateral decisions, and I saw larger franchisee groups overtaking the network, I felt as if my voice, as a small-unit franchisee, was fading away. By joining the WAXFAC, my voice is married with the voice of other like-minded franchisees to form a stronger, uniform voice where we can be heard and can gain leverage for achieving common goals. As the council grows, I look forward to more networking and best practice sharing opportunities as I believe our council and our brand will only become stronger as operators come together to help one another!

Franchise corporate owners may come and go, but we franchise business owners have our livelihoods at stake.  We are obligated with loans and leases which usually require long term personal guarantees.  It makes sense that we have a professional organization made up with, run by, and looking out for the owners.  I joined the WFAC to ensure our voices are heard.  The more owners that join, the stronger our influence.

The EWC Brand is amazing!  I joined with the idea that I might, in some way, contribute to the integrity, growth, and forward trajectory of this brand.  I also looked forward to working with like-minded franchisees – with hopes that I would learn and become a better multi-unit operator.  The journey thus far has exceeded my expectations.

Joining the council was a no brainer for me. I think it’s always important for the franchisee to have a voice. And the council provides that.

With the growth of EWC, I believed Franchisees needed a bigger voice at the table.  The WAXFAC works solely for us, creating that support network we need to be successful in our businesses.

Who better to consult for advice, tips, and best practices than your franchisee peer group?  Sharing information is powerful and franchisors don’t always have the capacity to help navigate every process, rule, and regulation that comes along.  And when there’s conflict, a single unified voice is normally more effective at representing franchisee interests than any one single owner.

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